McCormick & Company, Inc. does not knowingly collect information from minors. If you are under the age of 18 and would like to register as a McCormick Consumer Testing panelist, please ask your parent or guardian to complete the registration form to enroll as a panelist themselves; minors can be added under a parent’s profile.
Privacy Statement: The personally identifiable information you provide is used for McCormick Consumer Testing purposes only and will not be sold or disclosed to any third party.
If you are 18 years of age or older and would like to register as a McCormick Consumer Testing panelist, please provide us with the following information:
Email Address
Retype Email Address
Create Password (6 characters minimum)
Retype password (must match exactly)
First Name
Last Name
Street Address (No periods or commas)
Street Address #2 (Apt. # - NO PO BOXES)
ZIP Code
Primary Phone # (no dashes and no parenthesis e.g. 4105551212) The phone number you provide should go directly to you and not through a switchboard.
Alternate Phone # (no dashes and no parenthesis e.g. 4105551212) (optional)
Date of Birth (day/month/year) Must be 18 or older to apply.
Which gender do you most closely identify with?
Which race do you most closely identify with?
Are you, or is anyone in your household employed in the following areas?
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here.
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here. (optional)
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here.
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here. (optional)
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here.
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here. (optional)
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here.
You indicated that you have someone in your household employed in the above area, please provide details here.
In which of the following tests are you available to participate? You must select at least one location.
Do you, or anyone in your household, have any food allergies or dietary restrictions that would prevent you from eating certain foods?
You indicated that you, or someone in your household, have food allergies/dietary restrictions that would prevent you from eating certain foods, please provide details here. (required)
Do you have any children in your household under the age of 18 who you would like to be considered for consumer testing opportunities for children?
How did you hear about us? (If referred by a current panelist, please write out their full name)
- I am over the age of 18.
- The information I provided in this application is true and correct.
- I would like to receive emails from McCormick regarding Consumer Testing. You may unsubscribe at any time.